hi there. i'm blog sitting
here, go for a glance into my past.
i'm doing a couple of readings this summer.
i'm beaching on the weekends in sea isle city, nj.
i'm playing 'jesse' from
saved by the bell in a new (un)musical.
i'm temping at a fancy-schmancy jewlery store that starts with a 'c' and ends in 'artier'.
i'm well.
i hate humidity and so does my hair.
i'm looking forward to my brother's wedding in two weeks.
i'm bridesmaiding.
i'm thinking of making a '100 things about me' list, but i don't know how to make it another page.
i want to start adding photos to this site, but i don't know how to do that either. mo has better capabilities on her posting page than i do. does anyone know how to update their blogger dashboard so you can get text colors and stuff?
i'm enjoying decaf, iced coffee with soy and two sugars.